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What to Expect at First

First Lutheran is a laid-back and welcoming faith community. All are welcome regardless of who you are, where you come from, or where you are on your faith journey.


What should I wear to worship?

You may wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. In worship, you will notice that some people may wear a suit jacket and tie while others wear jeans and a casual shirt.  


What should I expect in worship?

As you enter the worship space, you will pick up a bulletin and communion elements if you wish to participate in communion.  Feel free to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. The bulletin will guide you through the service.


We stand and sit at different times during the service – typically when we are speaking or reading together as a congregation, or out of reverence at the reading of the Gospel reading. Please know that standing is an invitation, and if you are physically unable to stand, it is perfectly acceptable to remain seated.


An offering is received during the service to support the ministries of the church. As a guest, you should not feel obligated to contribute, and you may simply pass the plate along. If you do decide to contribute, we thank you for your generosity.


When it is time for Holy Communion, the pastor will give directions on when to eat and drink.  


What do we believe about Communion? Who can receive Communion?

We believe that Communion is a sacrament, which means that when we take God’s words of promise and combine them with ordinary bread and wine (or grape juice), we receive the very body and blood of Christ and the forgiveness of sin promised by Jesus. We understand that Christ is in, with, and under the bread and wine (grape juice), and is present in the Meal as we receive it. We believe that the invitation to Christ’s table is made by Christ and all are welcome.


What do we believe about Baptism? Who can be baptized and what is the protocol to prepare for baptism?

As Lutherans, we believe that the Sacrament of Baptism is a gift given freely by God. By combining ordinary, everyday water with God’s words of promise that name and claim us as God’s own, we receive a promise of forgiveness and love that we can touch in the waters of baptism. We don’t come to the waters of baptism because we are afraid that something bad will happen if we don’t. We come because of the loving gift that we receive in the Sacrament. We, as humans, do nothing to earn it or deserve it. 

We practice baptism at any age. Most often, we baptize infants. However, baptism is open to people at any age. Older children and adults desiring to be baptized and parents desiring to have their children baptized are encouraged to speak to the pastor for baptismal instruction.

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